50+ Club AGM - 1pm

Monday 17 April 2023
13:00 to 14:30

The AGM will be held in the Wurlitzer Hall with refreshments being served from 1pm followed by the meeting, promptly at 1:15pm. Please do come along and support your Club and The Committee. The minutes from 2022 together with the agenda for 2023 can be seen by clicking the links.

Note the change of time. This is to alleviate problems caused by the increase in car parking charges.

If you wish to sign the petition about car parking at the Leisure Centre set up by the MP for Woking please go to https://moderngov.woking.gov.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?ID=25&RPID=28317891&HPID=28317891

Woking Leisure Centre, Wurlitzer Hall